Brunet Hotels s.n.c. di Brunet Remo & C.
Via Roma, 30 - Fiera di Primiero
38054 Primiero San Martino di Castrozza
Trentino - Italia
Phone: +39 0439 762 000
E-Mail: info@brunethotels.it
PEC: brunethotels@pec.it
Codice CIN: IT022245A1PAYW6PX4
Managing director: Brunet Alessandra
Commercial register entry: TN - 166917
VAT ID: 01647780228
Brunet Hotels s.n.c. di Brunet Remo & C.
Concept, design, programming, consulting and marketing
Tourismus Team Srl
Eurocenter, Block A
Industrial zone 1-5
39011 Lana
South Tyrol – Italy
Tel. +39 0473 56 00 56
Fax +39 0473 55 07 75
Internet: www.tt-consulting.com
E-Mail: info@tt-consulting.com
PEC: tt-consulting_tourismusteam@pec.it
Brunet - The Dolomites Resort
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Mandatory information
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.